Greet Our New Guests and Members
There is a sign-up sheet for Greeters on the table in the social room. Please pick a date to be a greeter as welcoming new people is a very important function at UUFP.
Help with Religious Education
The UUFP Board is looking for volunteers to assist with RE if any children come to UUFP on Sunday, while we search for a more permanent solution. If anyone can assist, we need their Childline clearances on file. The clearances can now be obtained free of charge. Please let UUFP President Barbara Harteis know if you can help out.
Have an Idea for a Program or Discussion?
The Program Committee is always looking for members and friends to present programs or lead Discussion Sundays throughout the year. If you are interested, please contact the new Program Committee chairs, Ken LeSure ( and David Learn (
Lend a Hand
Let’s all lend a hand and help make our fellowship more WELCOMING by keeping it clean and tidy. Our new place is too big for only a few people to do everything. Even non-members are encouraged to help.
Please sign up for one or more months on the cleaning chart posted on the fridge. Check on your area once a week. Supplies are kept in the downstairs closet by the stairs. Thank you.
Volunteers Needed for the Community Meal
This is a great way for UUFP to reach out and help the Stroudsburg Community to which we belong. Please see the details below:
What started out as the “soup kitchen,” is now often called the “community meal.” It is not just soup but a full meal is prepared and served to anyone who comes. This was started at the Stroudsburg United Methodist Church at least 25 years ago. A schedule is drawn up and various groups sign up for a Sunday of their choosing. A “group” is usually about 5 people. Someone in the group will coordinate the meal: decide what will be prepared, arrange for the food and volunteers. Most groups bring their own food.
Volunteers arrive around 2:00 pm on Sundays and begin their prep. Doors open at 4:00 pm. The number of people is served is about 50-60. The participants are usually very appreciative and really depend on this meal.
Please contact Barbara Harteis at if you would like to volunteer and plan a meal.