
Special Message from Rev. Susan

Dear UUFP Community:  
When we come together, we are stronger.  This is a time for us to remember that we care for one another.  As a community, we will remain vigilant to defend those within our community who may be at greatest risk:  those in our community who are transgender and non-binary, those of us who are of color, our Muslim brothers and sisters, our Jewish brothers and sisters, those who are immigrants, those who are gendered female, those with disabilities.  We hold all members of our community and the friends of our community in love.  
These words from singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer written on the eve of the election feel resonant now:    

I know that whatever happens that love is still the greatest power and that is how I will continue to orient my life. I know that I will continue to sing. I know I will continue to reach out and reach up. I know I will continue to try to repair what has felt so broken. I know that I will have to work on forgiveness for a long time.

I know that no matter who wins this election, half this country will be angry or disappointed or grieving. I know whatever happens it will not be the last word. There will be push back and there will be movement forward. I know there is still a lot of work ahead—but that we have done hard things before and we will rise to this hard thing as well.

I know that I am not alone,

I know that you are not alone,

I know that we are all holding hands and instead of holding our breath

We are breathing together.

In the coming days, Rev. Susan will be available if you’d like to meet with her.   You can reach her at to set up an appointment.  

Also, check out this link below for the Community Resilience Hub to see a short video:

Fund Raising Committee Forming

We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to come together and form a short-term committee on fund raising. Several ideas are in the works. Please contact our Board President Barbara Harteis at

Interested in Learning More about Unitarian Universalists and UUFP?

Contact: Gloria Finch

Sign Up for UUPLAN’s Monthly Newsletter

UUPLAN (The UU Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network) puts out a monthly newsletter chock full of information about their actions to advocate for legislation that promotes UU values.  To receive their newsletters by email, go to, click the “NEWS” tab and then choose “Sign up for monthly newsletter and action alerts.”

Announcements from the UUFP Board

Any work above budget that expects payment needs pre-approval by the UUFP Board of Trustees. This applies to all Committees with line items in the UUFP budget. This does not apply for existing expenses which fall into Membership approved committee budgets. For more information please consult us. The current Board members are:

    • Sue Lyons, President
    • Grayson Barnes, Vice President
    • Barbara Harteis, Secretary
    • Kim Blomquist, Co-Treasurer
    • Anthony Estorque, Co-Treasurer
    • Wemara Lichty, Trustee-at-Large
    • Mary Redfern, Trustee-at-Large
    • Camille Breslauer, Trustee-at-Large
    • Diane O’Malley, Trustee-at-Large

Thank you for you cooperation.